Hawaii Doula, Kailua Doula, Oahu Doula, Evidence Based Birth Oahu Birth Doula
- Is a Doula really necessary if you have a supportive partner?
While our partners often mean well, both their lack of experience in childbirth as a woman, and their close connection to you, will often fare in less than optimal birth support. A Doula comes into your space with precious outside perspective, skill and experience to balance the existing energy beaming of both you and your partner. It is common for a birth partner to forget what your birth plans are simply by being overwhelmed or too emotional. A Doula doesn’t exist to replace your partner – she exists to compliment the capabilities your partner has so that they may not only support you in their highest capacity, but also enjoy the experience of their baby being born without the pressure of tending to the finer logistical details, too. It is by being a compassionate professional, I am able to help you both achieve the outcomes & experiences you are desiring. As your Doula, I am there to care & support both you AND your partner.
- What should happen if you have never worked with my chosen care provider?
My many years of experience working with a variety of care providers in a plethora of scenarios have given me the confidence to help you brilliantly manage your birth story – regardless of who your obstetrician or midwife might be. While I may not initially be familiar with your hospital or birth center’s protocols or policies, my instinct and knowledge will help me attune to them fairly quickly. Additionally, my scope of practice is tried, tested and true, which means I know precisely how to act as a professional Doula in any birth space.
Hawaii Doula Oahu Birth Doula
Image courtesy of Santa Cruz Birth Photography
Your help, support and care toward us during this beautiful process made it possible for us to welcome out greatest joy into this world with confidence and bond without distraction, but open arms. – Felisha & Jose
Monterey Doula
- Will my Doula take total control of my care and speak for my partner & I?
No, as your Doula I will not navigate your care or speak up for you. While I might gently remind everybody how you would prefer things to happen (ex: “Hey remember that Dad wants to cut the cord!”) I will not make decisions for you. Our extensive work in the pre-natal period will prepare you to assert your desires and give you the confidence to question anything that comes up which doesn’t feel right. I am not here to be your strength – I am here to show you the strength you have. If the hospital staff suggests any interventions not previously addressed at our prenatal meetings then I may provide you with any relevant evidence based information however it always remains the responsibility of both you and your partner to vocalize your concerns or wishes.
- If I am birthing in a hospital, won’t the staff look after me? Isn’t that their job?
Your core and complimentary care providers simply do not have the resources to support you emotionally for the duration of your pregnancy & birth. Their primary focus in making sure all of your medical needs are met and their paperwork is completed. As well intentioned as your midwife or nurse might be, it would be impossible to be the shoulder you need to cry on, massage you and encourage you, all the while providing the same level of support to every other woman birthing in their facilities. A Doula, on the other hand, is not bound by any protocol or policies and has neither any notes to take or procedures to adhere to. She also doesn’t go home at the end of a shift to leave you with someone else. There are distinct differences in the emotional & physical availability a Doula has versus what your hospital staff can provide.
- Will you support me if i want an epidural or any other kind of pain medication?
Yes- absolutely! Personal preferences and necessity play huge roles in birth and it is not part of my scope of practice to impose anything on you. Without judgement, I am here to support you unconditionally, through whatever decision you decide is best for you and your family. I will always provide you with the pros & cons, facts and evidence based research – from here you are free to do whatever makes you feel happy and safe.
- What do you actually do at your post partum visits?
The post partum visits exist to help you relive your birth, explore all details and inspire you to process those details in whatever way feels right to you. We spend time celebrating YOU. I create a safe space for you to discuss any emotions you might want to make room for. Need resources or contacts? I can help source those for you. From here, I assist in making sure baby is feeding well and you are getting everything you need to be nourished from the inside out. Perhaps your spouse needs to run out, or you would like to take a shower – anything I can do to help ensure you’re all cared for and attended to, I will do.
Yvonne and her services where a huge lifesaver! I wish I would have know about her with my first delivery. – Christine F.
Hawaii Doula, Kailua Doula, Honolulu doula
Kaneohe Doula Oahu Birth Doula
- How do you feel about supporting non-binary people or relationships that challenge the notion of the traditional nuclear family?
I proudly support the LGBQTI and non-binary communities to live, laugh and love in whichever way they please. My care is intentionally inclusive. It would be my pleasure to Doula families where the relationship dynamic is non-conventional or challenges the status quo. My concern is being the best Doula I can possibly be for YOU – whoever you might be.
- What is the best advice you can give a newly pregnant woman, birthing person or a new mama?
Fear is the detriment of birth, it will sabotage your story. Joy, confidence and faith will see you through to the finish line. Birthing your children into the world is a moment with immense potential, embrace every second, lean into the experience and remember to enjoy it because it is yours to keep.
Hawaii Doula, Kailua Doula, Honolulu Doula, Kaneohe Doula
- Are you comfortable supporting women and birthing people from different backgrounds whose first language may not be English?
I was born and raised in Germany and while I learned English in school at a very young age I still remember how hard it was to express myself and my feelings when I first lived in the US. While I may not know your first language I will be very patient and make sure all your needs are addressed with express kindness.
- Are you open to supporting choices in childbirth that not be the cultural norm in the USA?
Yes, I am happy to support any and all decisions you are making in regards to your body, your baby and your family. My only request is that you communicate openly and freely in order for us to avoid surprises and for me to support you as appropriately as possible.
Hawaii Doula, Kailua Doula, Kaneohe Doula, Oahu Doula Oahu Birth Doula
Image by Wunderbirth
Yvonne went above and beyond for my family… Not only did she help me achieve my vaginal delivery after two cesareans, but she has helped me successfully breastfeed my son! – Vanessa D.
- What are you VBAC success rates? How comfortable are you with VBA multiple cesareans?
Most of my VBACs are very successful but that successful vaginal birth is not something I can guarantee. I will make it my mission to be your sound board, ensure you are getting the correct information and that you are not being bullied or coerced into a repeat cesarean. Being a HBA3C mom myself I am very passionate about VBACs, women being offered these as a real option, and women receiving evidence based care around the matter.
- Do you support home births?
Yes! I will support you, your birth and your birth place choices, as they are only yours to make.
If you have any further questions you can make contact with me by clicking here.
x x Yvonne